Nathan Birch


Unconventional? Maybe. But he’s always bold, honest, and sincere.

If you walked past Nathan on the street, you’d have no idea you were walking past one of Australia’s wealthiest property investors. In fact, he’s so down-to-earth he’ll probably be in a pair of thongs, t-shirt and jeans if you ever meet him.

Nathan didn’t retire from the rat race at age 24 due to a fancy degree, silver spoon or pure luck. He had to create his own wealth, which he did through his unique property investment strategies.

As the founder of B.Invested, Nathan shares his time and expertise to help guide property investors and those looking to start a profitable property investment portfolio.

A few interesting facts about Nathan:

  • 230+ properties in his property portfolio.
  • “Retired” at the age of 24.
  • A centimillionaire with over $100 million net worth.
  • He has directly helped 1,700 investors reach 6+ properties in their property portfolio.
  • He’s known for his “no bullshit” honesty, his popular YouTube videos and his ever-increasing reel of media appearances.

Take the first step to financial freedom and contact us today

Our team is ready to take you through every step of a successful property investment journey.